5 New Facebook Features to Generate Monster Sales

Facebook is one helluva marketing beast. Between the publishing possibilities, community engagement, advertising space, and the 1.6 billion individuals who inhabit the digital space , Facebook alone can turn a brand into an internationally-known corporation.

Facebook already provides businesses with a plethora of resources to gain traffic, conversions, awareness, and everything else a business needs to succeed. As of last September, the social juggernaut announced a brand new set of features which will ultimately prove to be a vital resource for many businesses when it comes to driving sales, gaining attention, and understanding their audience’s habits. Digital storefronts and physical shops alike can reap massive benefits from these five new tools from Facebook.

#1: New and Improved CTAs

CTAs, or calls-to-action, are a fundamental element to driving conversions, engagements, and other primary business goals. And since mobile is quickly becoming the preferred platform for nearly every interaction and task that occurs in the digital universe, Facebook has selected to implement a set of new CTAs to optimize the mobile experience for both users and companies. The CTAs can be incorporated below the cover photo and include options like:

  • Sign Up
  • Watch Video
  • Book Now
  • Contact Us
  • Businesses will decide whatever page these new CTAs link to, enabling them to achieve the metrics they aim to hit. When used properly, the new buttons can serve as a way of entering a person into the sales funnel.

    #2: The Ability to Buy

    Alongside the new CTAs, Facebook is giving brands the gift of a “Shopping” tab that can be displayed on business pages. The new tab will essentially act as a miniature storefront by allowing page visitors to view products and make purchases directly on the platform. “Buy” buttons will be featured, which comes as little surprise after the Facebook/Shopify collaboration project .

    Make no mistake, this is huge news for businesses who utilize the omnipresent social portal as Facebook has let it be known that almost half of its 1.6 billion users come to the platform actively in search of products . This opportunity, combined with the potential saving of operating a sales website, could mean a massive income boost for many.

    #3: Let Your Services Shine

    For those who operate service-based businesses, there is no need to fret as Facebook has you covered too. “Service” tabs are also a new feature headed to business pages. These new sections will allow brands to bring their predominantly intangible services to a material and accessible level for users and help boost awareness around exactly what these companies offer. While services are still less likely to be purchased by potential buyers than products, the visibility alone makes generating sales and awareness easier and more feasible. When combined with the new CTAs, there is a good chance that you will see an increased number of prospects contacting your company.

    #4: Figuring Out Foot Traffic

    Facebook isn’t just helping out those in the digital arena. Brick-and-mortar stores can also rejoice as the company has improved its Page Insights to help local businesses understand the foot traffic and trends in their area. A new Page Insights tab leverages user app locations to understand when certain neighborhoods are most active, determine how many users are within a 1,500 foot radius of their business location, as well as provide information such as age, gender, and if the person is a resident or tourist.

    #5: Ads Based on Location

    Adding another layer and dimension to 2014’s local awareness ads , Facebook is now offering location specific ads for brands that have more than one store location. What this boils down to is that whenever an individual is near a select location, those users can be served that store’s name, address, and a CTA providing directions or a phone number. This can help boost a store’s foot traffic and awareness within the area, help generate more sales and local followers, and will make targeted ads more effective and relevant to users.

    These new add-ons supplied by Facebook are a huge win for any business trying to garner sales via the social portal. No matter if your strategy is through ad campaigns, driving visitors to your website or physical location, or gaining sales directly from Facebook, there is something here to help boost your numbers and pad your wallet. Good times indeed!