Advisors: Three Steps to Connecting With Affluent Women

Which option would you choose to transform your relationship with affluent women ?

The challenges many women face when it comes to money are far greater than just the dollars and cents. The issues often run deeper, creating an underlying issue that prevents growth and financial confidence. Until women understand their attitude and relationship with money , they may continue to struggle in their desire to control spending and feel confident in their ability to make important financial decisions, decisions that will impact their life.

Creating an opportunity to explore these issues, and encouraging them to become more aware of their relationship with money , can create a more positive and engaging experience for both you and your client; and you don’t have to be a licensed psychologist to get results.

The process is really all about asking the right questions , questions that they would never expect from a financial advisor. Questions that get them to think back about their experiences with money, how they perceive money, and the emotions that money issues create within them.

The process is simply about getting your clients to think and share with you , making them aware of their own feelings, attitudes, and perceptions about money that you can then begin to change.

This process has many benefits for both you the advisor and the client. By introducing these questions early on, it immediately sets you apart from every other financial advisor . The fact that you are even taking the time to entertain these issues garners her respect and appreciation .

Encouraging her to share her answers with you allows you to gain a much deeper understanding of who she is and how you can best educate and communicate with her. It’s not just about addressing her fears. It’s also about helping her to recognize that when managed properly, money is her friend and you are her trusted advisor .

There are two ways that you can introduce this new approach into your practice, and finding the approach that makes you feel the most comfortable is key. You can choose one approach or the other, or perhaps you are willing to combine both to generate the most powerful benefits and referrals.


Option A :

In your first meeting with a woman, even if she is part of a couple, you can incorporate 3 simple questions that will encourage her to open up while setting the tone for a new, fresh experience that she may even enjoy. Examples of these questions might be:

  • What is your first memory about money? What happened, and why do you remember it? How did this experience shape your adult perception of money?
  • When you think about investing your money what is the first emotion you feel ? ______
  • On a scale of 1-10 how comfortable would you be towards making financial decisions for your future if your husband passed?
  • Option B:

    Offer your female client a beautiful journal as a new client gift. Present it as her money journal, and encourage her to use it as:

  • A place to write any money questions that she can review with you over the phone or in person.
    A place to journal about money so she becomes more aware of her attitude and source of money challenges .
  • Within this journal, you can provide a Money Journal Exercise featuring a series of questions that can provide meaningful journaling opportunities, questions similar to the ones presented above. For those advisors in my Drip Marketing Membership Program, you can find the complete Money Journal Exercise in the Tools Library.
  • Option C :

    Combining both the opportunity to engage her in meaningful and thoughtful conversations about her relationship with money AND providing her with a personal Money Journal and journaling exercises that inspire further awareness has the most powerful impact .

    By incorporating one or both of these options, you will quickly transform the overall dynamics of your meeting and relationship with your female clients to one that dramatically accelerates trust, respect, and loyalty.

    As women are encouraged to address these important money issues, they will inevitably share this experience with other women within their circle of friends. This ultimately positions you as an advisor who is different . One who is deeply committed to helping women become more financially confident, thus triggering more referrals and new introductions, and not to mention stronger, more loyal relationships with the women in your practice.