Does Your Marketing Leave Prospects Wanting to Know More?

Written by: Stan Mann | Results Producer Do your marketing messages compel your prospects to buy what you sell? Do they tap into their basic emotions? Are you aware that prospects buy on emotion and justify their purchase with logic?

What you need to know…

Your marketing must convince your prospects that you offer "extraordinary value." And it must resonate with them emotionally. Simply telling them that you're the best at what you do won't work. You can't just say you're trustworthy, reliable and exceptional. That's the same thing your competition does. Prospects don't believe you. You MUST educate them as to why you're trustworthy, reliable and exceptional.

Why you need to know this…

To consistently attract more clients to your business… and to effectively convert prospects into clients, it's critical that you create a series of short, clear and concise messages that compel your prospects to instantly want to know more information about your product or service. These short messages must focus on the benefits your business provides to them, and on the value you provide that your competition doesn't.When you create compelling messages that quickly and clearly articulate what you do and the value you provide, interested prospects will feel compelled to seek you out for additional information. In other words, a well-crafted message "pre-qualifies" your prospects for you… allowing you to focus your limited time and efforts on those prospects that are truly interested in what you sell.

The cost to you if you fail to act…

A well-crafted and well-developed message can generate a tremendous number of new leads for your business each and every time you use it in your marketing. This same information is then incorporated into scripts that you or your staff will use to convert interested prospects into actual paying clients. It doesn't do you any good to generate a thousand interested leads if you don't know what to say to them to convert them from leads into sales.Marketing is always the key to small business success, and the small business owner who learns the process to creating and implementing great marketing will dominate their industry.To take a Test Drive on our system visit How Your Client’s Make the Decision to Buy What You Sell?