Maybe Hope Really Is a Strategy

Make your copy empowering , not condemning or depressing.

If the reader benefits just from reading the marketing message, you’ve made the sale before the sale .

One of the most effective ways to empower your reader…to make it easier for him to take the next step towards his desired outcome…is to add an educational element to your copy .

In campaigns I’ve worked over the past few months, I’ve boosted orders as much as 25 to 40% by providing valuable tips, actionable recommendations, etc. right in the sales message instead of just “selling.”.

Quality educational content proves that

  • you actually know what you’re talking about — you’re not just a product-pusher and
  • begins to demonstrate to the reader that HE CAN DO THIS , that this can actually work for him.
  • When you do it well, a sense of hope may begin to form in the reader’s mind: hope that result he imagines can finally become reality.

    When you instill real hope, you win an important victory — and the long-term benefits accrue for both you and your reader.

    I got an email a couple weeks ago gets it terribly wrong, I think:

    The “expert” shared some valuable tips, then implied I’d struggle to implement them successfully without his on-going help.


    I have no problem with sales pressure and urgency, but if this is a big turn-off. At least for me.

    So be careful how you approach this. In the long-run, it pays off to be genuinely helpful.