The Key to Staying Relevant on LinkedIn

“Bobbie, how can I stay relevant to my network on social media?”

If I had $1 for every time someone asked me this question, I’d have… well, a lot of dollars! Staying relevant means staying top of mind, providing insight, solving issues, opening dialogues, and engaging with your network. Content is key to staying relevant on social media, whether you are curating or creating original content.

It is shocking that in this technologically advanced day and super information age, that there is a major disconnect in the understanding of curating relevant content, and distributing or sharing that content digitally via social media. We are absolutely inundated with content on a daily basis… to the point that it is becoming white noise.

One of the training programs we provide at AAL is focused on content marketing on social media, including where to find relevant content, what type of content is actually relevant to your purpose, and how to distribute the content on various social media platforms. Each social media platform varies on when the highest rate of activity can be anticipated based on overall metrics.

Frequency of posts on social platforms are also a variable in determining whether your content reached its target. The lifespan of a LinkedIn post, FB post, and tweet are all incredibly different from each other, and understanding when, where, and how often to post content is crucial in your content being visible in order result in maximum exposure.

The most common push-backs I hear when a training launches are:

“But I don’t know what to write about, and I don’t know what to curate.”

“Where can I possibly find enough content to post that often?”

Listen folks, content is all around us… it is the matrix. We receive content through blogs that we follow, company newsletters, company blogs, thought leaders we follow, industry news, apps, google alerts, on LinkedIn, Twitter, and yes even FB… we are in a constant state of drinking content from the firehose. It’s so standard and available, we don’t even see it for the power it actually holds.


Just image if you knew what content would position you as a subject matter expert in your purpose, then were able to find enough relevant content to provide a stream of information to your network on a daily, week, monthly basis. The potential to engage with unlimited professionals that are your actual targets, with content relevant to you and to them, on social media… is so much larger than you can possibly know until you experience it first-hand. And you should experience it first-hand.

I just recently recorded this short video blog on curating relevant content. I invite you to check it out and let me know your thoughts, as well as additional sources of content you find helpful on a regular basis.