What Happens When Your Passion and Purpose Collide as a Professional?

There are moments in our life where everything is working like magic. Life seems amazing, even challenges present an opportunity to excel.

Looking back, this is a time in your life when it seemed everything you did worked, when God and all the energies of the universe were working with you, moving you forward. It is in these moments when our purpose and passion collide.

Take a minute and think back through your life. List a few times in your life when the world felt like it was your oyster, where you were totally engaged with what you were doing, you were good at it and everything flowed. It doesn’t matter your age or what you were doing it may only have lasted for a moment or perhaps years, it was just a feeling you had, as if you were invincible.

For myself I can recall three periods of time when I felt unstoppable. The first when playing volleyball whether for the University of North Carolina or representing the Navy and Armed Forces. I was the game, it was in my soul and it seemed there was nothing I couldn’t accomplish, I welcomed a challenge.

Another time was as a Financial Advisor for Smith Barney and focusing on building a practice designed for women. I knew deep in my soul this was where I was supposed to be, what I was supposed to be doing and how I could make an impact especially in the lives of my female clients. Sure there were challenges but nothing could derail my course. It was who I was doing what I loved.

Now as a coach for financial advisors. Coaching and training women and advisors on how to create a female friendly practice that inspires and engages women to become more confident with their financial life. This is who I am, who I was meant to be, it fulfills me each and every day.

As I look back on these periods of my life I see a distinct pattern. Each time I was in a position to build and lead a team combined with the ability to support and inspire women.

Sometimes these experiences last years, but in most cases life gets in the way and changes your path sooner than expected. Or perhaps it's just a moment in time, a short period here and there when everything fits, works, makes you feel invincible.

The key is first identifying these experiences and then looking for commonality in these experiences, this is where you will find your purpose and passion.

As a volleyball player I lead many teams to high levels of success. I relished the opportunity to help my teammates become the best that they could be.

As a Financial Advisor I created a practice, so that I could be in a position to lead, motivate and guide women to success. In doing this, I have found a place where my purpose and passion have collided. That is why my role as a coach, both in leading and advising women has been the perfect combination to reach my full potential and happiness.

Take a minute and think back through your life.

  • When were you at your happiest?
  • When did you feel like the world was your oyster?
  • Where you were totally engaged with what you were doing, you were good at it and everything flowed peacefully?
  • That is where your passion and purpose collided.

    Now it’s your turn, look back, think hard. Some of these times may just be moments in time and others may last years, time doesn’t matter. It’s all about the feeling you had.