What to Know About Facebook's Changes to Your Business Page


They love to change stuff, right? How many of you noticed on the recent update that the icons at the button light up when you push the bell for notifications or the picture sign for your news feed? (If not – you’re welcome.) If you have a business page on Facebook, then be sure to read on…

What’s new now?

Facebook announced last week that the business pages are getting a facelift. You can go here: https://www.facebook.com/business/bediscoverable and update your page by clicking the “Update Your Page” button. You can also see the updates I’m going to review in this article there, too.The basic message from Facebook is, “We hear you, small business. You want to be more findable.” So – they are changing the algorithm a bit and sprucing up the page so things are easier to locate.

How will this affect me?

First thing is that you can add categories, descriptions, address, website address, hours of operations, directions, etc. Almost sounds like a mini website, right? You’d be correct.You’ve probably already seen people asking for recommendations on their personal Facebook posts. Or, if you respond with a location and go to the trouble of tagging it in your response, it will ask you if you want to add this as a recommendation to a post. Online reviews have become increasingly popular and more reliable and Facebook has taken action to make sure the SMB (small medium business) market is included.Related: Why You Need to Stop Keeping up With Your Competitors

Do I have a choice in changing to the new business page layout?

Err….nope. You can change now or wait until August 22, 2018 and they will change it for you. Either way – the change is coming. Be a Person of Action: Just go update your page now and be ahead of the change. It’s coming whether you want to do it or not. If you need help understanding this or other social media things, contact me. I know stuff.