What Women Really Think When They See Your Office DéCor

The moment we opened the door I understood the appeal for women. The décor was beautiful, creams and shades of soft pink, the tables and chairs simple but small enough to be more conducive to intimate conversation. Whether it’s called shabby chic or cottage couture, women kept pouring through the door. I too, could feel the sense of comfort, warmth and intimacy; exactly what you want women to feel when women walk through the doors to your practice.

We have become so accustomed to office décor being designed around traditional more manly office style that even those who feel more progressive with their decorating are still drowning in earth tones, browns and dark woods.

What is it that prevents us from decorating for women? In most cases, men don’t even recognize their surroundings; it’s women who notice the details, the décor the design.

A great example is a man I know redecorated his office to appeal to women and after an initial appointment with a new couple the first thing the woman said when she entered the office was, “I love your chairs”… They became a $10,000,000 client!

As former advisor at Smith Barney, an Advisor I worked with got permission to redecorate her office. In a sea of standard classical office décor (dark cherry desks, tapestry upholstered chairs, etcetera, etc.) with the help of a decorator, Pam began her office transformation. The finished product touted a white marble desk with zebra striped upholstered chairs. The antique white credenza, which housed all her files, was complimented by a glass table with beautiful floral chairs facing a chalkboard framed in white. When the office was finished, not one Advisor said a word but all the women who walked by (and when the coast was clear) poked their head into her office to say “I LOVE your office!” Her office screamed “I get women and want you to feel comfortable” which only validated her commitment to helping women become more financially engaged.

Lets face the hard truth… women WILL HAVE a significant impact on your future success and Financial Advisors out there trying to get their attention. Are your efforts keeping your existing female clients happy and attracting new ones?

  • At some point, all your female clients will be invited to a financial event just for women. If not your event then that of another advisor.
  • Most of your female clients will at some point receive educational emails written by women which focus on the issues women care about. If they don’t receive these engaging emails from you then they will from another advisor.
  • Many of your female clients will be exposed to an office that is designed to appeal to women, creating a warm and inviting environment where women feel welcome, comfortable and important. If not your office then who’s?
  • Perhaps it’s time for a little office refresh?