Why a “Just About Right” Strategy Is Insanely Outstanding

Traditional planning methods are obtuse.

They’re too expensive. Too time consuming. Too academic. Too unrealistic.

They’re founded on the premise that a “perfect” strategy can be developed by using planning pedagogy promulgated by “the experts”.

And that if the strategy conforms to traditional principles it will deliver unbelievable results.

Utter nonsense!

How can you have a perfect ANYTHING in an imperfect world filled with uncertainty, unpredictability, crazy change and chaos?

You can’t.

The best you can do is get your plan “just about right”, EXECUTE! it pristinely, learn from what you do, adjust your plan based on your learning and EXECUTE! again.

The proverbial “do-loop” to a successful strategy.

Based on action.

Doing stuff.

Trying stuff.

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