You Have the Power to Stop Bad Sales Practices

It’s the golden rule of marketing: learn how your prospects want to communicate and then do it.

Yet too many of us delete dozens (if not hundreds) of emails daily, ignore phone calls and toss glossy brochures without even a glance. But taking a blanket “no thanks” approach to all marketing and sales tactics means you are definitely missing out on some valuable products and services.

So why not tell marketers what it is you want and how they can get it in front of you?

On Thursday, Oct. 6 , I’ll be speaking to some of the nation’s leading asset managers at the third annual FUSE Forum , sharing insights on how they can more effectively communicate with financial advisors. I’m happy to share my experience but what these professionals really need is to hear from you .

We’ve developed a short survey—6 concise, multiple choice questions—to help gauge financial advisor preferences and buying behaviors. In less than three minutes, you can help shape the future of financial marketing—or at least let wholesalers know that you don’t answer calls from unknown numbers.

You can view the survey, which is completely anonymous, here: . And please feel free to share it with any other advisors you think would be interested in providing their perspective.

Thank you in advance for your help. Here’s hoping this survey get us closer to marketing’s golden rule (and a manageable inbox).