10 Questions You Must Be Able to Answer Before Going to a Networking Event

An elevator speech (verbal logo, business snapshot) or Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a “must have” for networking. But so are the answers to many other basic questions, too. These maybe questions that business owners don’t readily have their own answers to but should!

They aren’t as neatly answered by your USP, so consider practicing your response to each of them. How? Use your mirror and practice on your family and friends.

Think about networking as a job interview with several interviewers–and as with an interview, you have to think about your experiences and sum them up neatly, demonstrating how your expertise benefits others., you have to think about your experiences and sum them up neatly, demonstrating how your expertise benefits others.

And remember. When you’re networking and you ask someone these questions and they answer them really well, it’s because they practiced the answers!

  • So, who do you work with? Who are your clients?
  • How long have you been doing that? How long have you been in business?
  • How would I know a good client for you?
  • How do people get in touch with you?
  • How do you help your clients?
  • What results can someone expect after working with you?
  • Tell me something exciting that just happened to one of your clients.
  • What would I hear your ideal clients say?
  • So, tell me about yourself…
  • Is there another business owner you’d like to meet?
  • Don’t let one of these questions below catch you off guard! Remember, the answer to the NY question “How Do I Get To Carnegie Hall” is practice, practice, practice!