14 Ways to Blow a Meeting With the C-Suite

It’s hard to get the first meeting with a top executive. It’s even harder to get the second meeting. If you don’t make a connection and add value in your conversation—if you don’t light some kind of spark—you’re unlikely to create interest in a relationship with you.

Here are some of the common mistakes I see people making:

  • You are not fully prepared and have not done thorough research on the executive and his or her organization.
  • You try to cover too many agenda items in the meeting (three is the maximum).
  • The client examples you have used do not resonate and are too generic.
  • You rely excessively on PowerPoint or other written material and are unable to have an intimate conversation with the client.
  • You talk too much and the client talks too little.
  • You try and sell a product or solution rather than creating an interested buyer.
  • You ask questions that are tedious because they are too general and do not implicitly incorporate knowledge of the client’s strategy, organization, and industry.
  • You do not rapidly align the conversation to the executive’s agenda of critical priorities and goals.
  • You take too long to get to the point. You must have an opening “hook.”
  • You tell (describe statistics about your company, talk about methodologies, etc.) instead of show (share short client examples, best practices, etc.).
  • You lack self-confidence, which gets communicated through the words you use, your body language, and your overall attitude.
  • You take no chances in the conversation and therefore come across as boring and un-memorable.
  • You focus on your own methodologies rather than exploring the client’s issues.
  • You allow the executive to prematurely delegate you to follow up with more junior managers, who may very well torpedo your efforts.