Getting Fit: Why Businesses Should Encourage Wellness in Their Employees

Written by: James PondsDeadlines and project management are the typical subjects discussed at work, but times are changing. Businesses are more aware than ever before that their employees' health must be prioritized. An unhealthy worker can't be at work or productive. Dive into the deeper reasons why businesses should incentivize their workers to get fit. Everyone benefits as a result.

Lower Healthcare Costs

Offering group walks during lunch and healthy snacks in the break room are simple ways to incorporate wellness in the workplace. The result of your efforts is lower healthcare costs for the employer and employees. A group of employees who're relatively healthy with their lifestyles won't have as many ailments, such as an onset of diabetes or constant colds. Fewer trips to the doctor's office equate to lower premiums for everyone.A workforce without healthy incentives might have bad habits, such as smoking, along with poor diets. Healthcare costs are bound to rise with these habits in play.

Happier and Productive Workers

People who exercise are producing good hormones during the effort. They feel good from head to toe. This natural high continues on after the workout. As a result, healthier people tend to be happier and more productive, states the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.When you feel good, a work project suddenly becomes a fun challenge. You dive in and complete the work. Workouts clear the mind, so you can be more productive while feeling positive about the project in the first place. Ideally, employers always want happy and productive workers because they offer a positive spin on the company's reputation when clients are involved.

Fewer Lost Days

Wellness programs encourage perfect attendance. When employees call in sick, it causes a ripple effect in any office. Projects derail, clients wait and profits decline. People who eat and workout with wellness in mind will have far fewer sick days on their record. They can schedule time off that's convenient for the entire office, which doesn't severely impact productivity.Fewer sick days equate to less stress in the office too. Workers who cover for sick colleagues will always feel the pressure of extra work.Related: Cut Back on Stress to Perform Better in the OfficeRelated: How to Create a Positive Environment in the Workplace

Improves Thought Processes

When a person feels down or sick, his or her mind is cloudy. Problem-solving powers are all but gone. Encouraging wellness among workers can actually improve cognitive abilities, suggests Forbes Magazine.Creative thoughts might flow among your staff members, which were stagnant before the wellness program. Challenging problems now have solutions. Being well enhances the mind from both emotional and neurological perspectives. There are no other incentives that offer so many benefits when compared to healthy eating and exercise.

Encourages Teamwork

Many wellness programs have incentives for employees working together on a team. Playing volleyball, running in a group and other activities can encourage teamwork as the employees play. When they return to the office, this same teamwork can continue. Projects that were stifled by creative differences in the past will now have a compromised solution among connected colleagues. Creating a team atmosphere is possible with wellness as an intricate puzzle piece.

Helps out Remote Workers

Working remotely has its perks, but there are downsides as well. Remote workers may not have the best conditions as they work long hours. Slouching and lack of exercise is a large problem for working from home. Including fitness as an employee perk can help remote worker best practices.Employers can encourage "exercise scheduling" so that workers feel free to take an hour a day for workout purposes. When they feel comfortable taking the time off, they'll take advantage of the exercise. They return to their remote positions with a fresh outlook and improved productivity.Although businesses should encourage healthy living, pushing the subject may cause issues. Employees with sensitive, medical problems don't want their personal lives advertised to the rest of the office, for example. Walk the fine line between being an encouraging employer and protective professional. Every employee can flourish as a result.