How to Make Meetings Less Painful and More Effective

Meetings! I'd rather catch bowling balls in my teeth!

Ouch!!! Catching a bowling ball in your teeth! What could be more painful than that? Simple – going to meetings. This week, the stuff that I’m thinking about – and what you need to think about – is how to make meetings less painful and more effective. Here’s some “stuff” I want you to consider and act on:

  • When organizing meetings, start with the end in mind – think in terms of the outcome you want to achieve as a result of the meeting.
  • When organizing meetings, adhere to a meeting agenda that focuses on moving the organization forward to achieve the stated outcome.
  • When organizing meetings, distribute the agenda at least one day in advance so all of the attendees walk in prepared.
  • When organizing meetings, invite only the people who can contribute to the achievement of your desired outcome.
  • When organizing meetings, conclude the meeting by agreeing to what steps will be taken, who will do what and by when. Establish post meeting interim checkpoints to make certain that the next steps are actually completed.
  • When organizing meetings, distribute the summary of minutes/next steps to all attendees. This way everyone is on the same page.