Six Steps to Raise Your Personal Performance

Many talk about doing their best, but few really understand what needs to be done to achieve it. Here are 6 key steps I have observed in my working with clients – some who have succeeded and others who just couldn’t get it.

1. Separate yourself and do whatever is necessary to get away from those people who are holding you back or who are always telling you what you can’t do.

2. Learn to say “no” to those people and activities that are taking your time for their needs or purposes leaving you no time for what you need or want to do.

3. Get into the habit of “stating your intent” to bring more clarity and focus to all of your activities.

4. Launch a deliberate and consistent ongoing self-learning program. The result of this effort is to increase your knowledge and skills so that you can add value and contribute more to yourself, your family, your business and your clients.

5. Start doing things without any fear of making a mistake. Mistakes can hurt or delay you. However, the value they offer as a learning experience far outweighs the short-term negative impact they might have.

6. Schedule a weekly one-hour appointment with yourself. Take this time to assess what has taken place and what else needs to be done. This appointment can serve as a valuable reality check that allows you to make sure you are working on the right things.