Vulnerability Creates Connection: Is it Time to Let Your Guard Down?

Most people have a flawed assumption that their challenges at work and home are so unique that no one else could ever understand. Sure, maybe they’d sympathize but empathize? No way. As a result, they push down their worries, fears, concerns, hopes, dreams, and insights as if it’s their secret burden to bear. Sound familiar?

We never talk to each other about the things that are keeping us up at night and then tell ourselves we’re alone.

In our minds, we convince ourselves that our situations are different, worse, better than everyone else. We isolate ourselves by choice for fear that we’re right and everyone is going to judge us. However, when we finally open up, something remarkable happens, we discover we’re not alone after all.

Just last week a friend shared some of her concerns about her child over lunch. “I can’t believe I’m telling you this especially when it probably isn’t normal,” she said. That’s when the unexpected news came her way… everyone else had been through something similar. We were all nodding because it mirrored our experience too. We discovered at that moment that our children were not flawed beings but simply human beings.

It’s funny how many people fear being vulnerable no matter how times we hear about the power of vulnerability. Why is that? Why do we read the books and watch the TED Talk yet still only show the world that we have our shit together? We’re on the right track. Have the answers. We’re successful, happy and well-adjusted. We got it going on.

It can be terrifying to go first.

Will you share your most vulnerable self only to have everyone blankly stare at you and say, “No. I can’t relate at all.” Unlikely. Still, it takes a moment of bravery to be the one who’s willing to take the risk and share their truth.

Vulnerability takes strength and courage.

When you share your vulnerability with others, it’s courageous. It’s inspiring. It’s what the world needs – people who are unafraid to live a life that’s not bound by constantly projecting the illusion of perfection . Let it be you who leads the way.

Stress and worry are universal.

We live in a world of worriers. No, worry alone can’t change outcomes but it does wear you down. You begin to feel like Atlas bearing the weight of the world. In your sphere of worry, you become so fixated on the weight that you miss opportunities to lighten your load.

Vulnerability creates connection.

Like my friend who shared her truth, she discovered connection and support, and it’s there for you too. No one can empathize or connect with perfection; it only serves to make others go deeper into their own shells, hiding the parts that cause them pain, joy, and fear. Parts of themselves that you know all too well.

Related: It's Time You Stop Making Things up to Make Yourself Miserable

Start small.

You don’t have to get up in front of an auditorium or at the next team meeting and pour your heart out. Grab a coffee with one other person and let your guard down. Say what you’re afraid to say out loud because if you do, then it’s true.

Give your brain a break.

Your brain’s job is to keep you safe, but it doesn’t always make the best choices for you. Your brain may tell you that you really are alone, your issues are extreme, people will scrutinize you and even worse, dismiss you. Not true. You need to make the leap despite the fear response.

If you don’t want to say it, write it.

Looking eye to eye with someone can be enough to make you want to stay quiet, keep your less than perfect bits and doubts to yourself. However, there are people out there longing to hear what you have to share. Write it in a note, a blog , email, by hand, it doesn’t matter. Sometimes the words you need to say flow better from your head to your fingers than to your lips.

We all spend so much time thinking about our own lives and circumstances that we miss the opportunity to connect with people who are going through the same. We need to support each other, not isolate ourselves.