6 Communication Tips for a Stronger Culture and Environment

Last week I presented on the topic of “Inclusive Communication.” What a perfect topic for someone who has been working with diverse cultures for over twelve years! It was an exciting presentation and a topic I am passionate about. Because of the importance of this topic, I wanted to share some highlights in this week’s blog.

The demographics of the average workplace in the United States have shifted dramatically over the past several decades. The increasing diversity of the American workforce presents excellent opportunities for a wider range of thoughts and ideas that we might not encounter in a more insular environment. However, increased diversity also requires special considerations in communicating effectively and inclusively.

How can you employ inclusive communication and create a positive professional environment?

Take a look at these tips!

  • Be adaptable! A diverse environment means being exposed to ideas, thoughts, and cultures that you may not be used to. Be aware that your experience is not the only one, and be open to other thoughts, ideas, and ways of doing things.
  • Promote inclusion and provide resources to support employees in addressing their concerns
  • Get people talking: If people are not comfortable talking, resentment will build and people will quit—without ever saying the reason why.
  • Provide tools and resources to develop skills to effectively talk about polarizing topics.
  • Create an environment where people are comfortable raising issues about workplace concerns.
  • Encourage anyone that feels they are the target of intolerance, discrimination, or microaggression to speak up!

  • Want to learn more? Join us next week when we provide tips for presenting to a diverse audience.

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