5 Keys to Structure Your Competitive Edge to Lead

Being of a competitive nature is a given when seeking work, vying for a sale, or being on a sports team. But there are ways in which to adjust your competitive edge to avoid the appearance of stepping on others yet be seen as the leader you are meant to be.


The number one key is to change your mindset from competing with others to one of competing with yourself. All else fades away. It doesn’t matter nearly as much what others think and do, when you learn to focus on all that you bring to the table.

Ask these questions of yourself:

  • Are their subject matters I need to learn?
  • Where have I lost business and is there a consistency to this?
  • Is it possible to increase the time and effort I am putting into seeking out new prospective clients?
  • What are new and varied ways to increase audience attention?
  • With whom might I collaborate or seek help from to ultimately increase clientele?
  • Sales Decline

    Frequently, when sales dwindle, it’s because a continuum of prospective clients has been on the decline. Losing sales tends to dampen morale, and that works against contacting new people. It becomes a vicious downward cycle. But by recognizing the downturn, and taking action to reverse results, you will soon see a positive trend once again.


    Take note of each activity and calculate the number of calls, meetings, email, and online followings. Now create an action plan to increase each in order to record higher numbers a month from now. A running task list will keep you more productive and on target for what needs to be done. The most important competitive edge is the competition with yourself. Your fiercest competitor is you. Be of the mindset to that “yes you can produce” and accordingly, you will do so beyond original expectations.


    Now that you are experiencing increased success once again, find a community that may benefit from your expertise. Volunteer your time to teach. Student questions may also add valuable insight for you to learn even more. Share your newfound knowledge online to grow followings further. The best part of this type of work is in the reward found by helping others. On occasion, surprises come your way with new business and partners to be found.


    By focusing on your only true competitor, your internal self, you come out on the other end stronger than ever before. And in so doing, you lead yourself and others in finding the Smooth Sale!