How to Build Value and Build the Sale

Most sales professionals, entrepreneurs and job seekers are either too timid to ask for full value or weren’t trained on how to do so. The big concern is about pricing oneself out of the market. Yet, by under-valuing products and services, the effort becomes hardly worthwhile.

Sell value and deliver excellence in service to enjoy a loyal clientele

My Story

One company, for which I worked, paid lucrative bonuses for selling at list price. New on the job, I asked the top salesman how he was able to do it. Believing a woman would never have the guts to do the same, he gave me all of his tips. They were outstanding tips. By month four, I was the new top producer.

Initial Conversation

An initial conversation could apply to someone contacting you, meeting at an event, or having a first appointment. All of these scenarios require that you ask in your own words, “What specifically caught your interest?”

If there wasn’t any interest, the other person would have removed themselves from your presence immediately, or certainly would not have contacted you. Asking the question puts the ball in their court and almost always the need to answer is recognized.

Mirror Behavior

Most often people will try to “kick the tires” or say “no need, just curious”. At the first encounter, nothing is known about you so you have to prove you bring added value to the table above your competitors.

Once the prospective client answers the question provided above, mirror the “just curious” mentality. Reveal you are simply there to introduce what it is you have to offer. Then state that it may or may not fit within their requirements, but it is in their best interest to research all options. Add that’s why you chose to spend the time with them. This will put the dialogue on a completely different plane.

Express Your Disclaimer

Once past getting acquainted, state that you may not be the least expensive provider. Quickly add the reasons why this is the case. Emphasize your unique style of delivery and quality customer care. It must all be true.


Early in the conversation ask for the client’s budget. This part of the conversation also leads to asking for the perceived timeline for getting started. You now have greater insight about the need, want and desire, and may more adeptly move to the invigorating part of the conversation.


It is said you need 3-5 buy-ins to get get to a sale. This is accomplished by asking questions throughout the conversation that lead to a “Yes” answer.

Example of a buy-in

Share a short story of how a client benefitted enormously from your help. Then turn this back into a question of, “Do I sound like the type of vendor with whom you might like to work?” The answer should be an obvious “Yes!”

Selling value sells professionalism and transforms into the Smooth Sale!