Losing Competitively May Have You Rise to Set the Bar Higher

It would be rare to find anyone who does not feel sad or depressed after losing a sale or a job possibility to a competitor. There are three actions you may take, beginning today to lessen the disappointment and increase future improved opportunities.

Review and Revise

Occasionally, requests for a debriefing will be granted and insight gained as to what your competitor offered that you did not. It might be something you could not offer, you thought about but hadn’t gotten around to incorporating into your plan, or the idea is in the planning stage for the future.

This writing was motivated by today’s business article entitled, “Why the Olympics Washington didn’t win could still transform the city” as found in The Washington Post. The article continued that politicians are aligning to discuss ways in which the surrounding cities may partner to make the area easier to navigate, plus become visitor friendly and conducive to business without leaving white elephants after large events that take place, such as the Olympics.

A long term vision and comprehensive plan are now being worked on to benefit residents, visitors and potential Olympic teams so that in the future the event will happen and many will benefit from the experience. The initial loss spurred the thought forward and it will supersede what was previously possible.


Long ago, I put the idea of positive thought to the test. I found that positive focus is almost equal to taking a “clarity pill”. You review everything that transpired up to the current point, and become keenly aware of any possible misinterpretation, or not being 100% on target with what was communicated to you. Mental acuity becomes sharper than ever, allowing for great attention to detail, to the point that clients take notice. The more focused you are on all aspects of your business and clients, the greater will be the seen results.


Last week, someone noted that keeping a pipeline full was “old school”. The focus, it was said, should instead be on closing sales. My reply was that the process should be looked at as a 360-degree perspective. Should the pipeline not be full, a businessperson or job seeker would soon run out of options. By maintaining a continual list of new ideas and experimenting, for entrepreneurship, the next best job, or the best prospective client, those best-matched will line up.

Using this 3-step model will lead you to an improved playing field and enjoying the Smooth Sale !