Being Psychologically Hardy Is The Trait of the Super Achiever

Life is in a state of PONO.

PONO is the Hawaiian word meaning balance. The key to understanding PONO/Balance is accepting imbalance. That’s right the key to living a balanced life is accepting that life is out of balance. Just like the hula, life goes up and down. It’s the norm.

With that being our reality on a daily basis, I would like to share with you a few characteristics and traits of psychologically hardy professionals who thrive within the setting of imbalance.

First let’s define the characteristics and traits of a psychologically hardy individual.

  • Has a sense of control of his/her life. They know what they want and where they are going. Even more, they know what they need to do to get there and expect adjustments to be made along the way.
  • Considers what they do for a living has value . They want to live with purpose. Individuals are working long, hard hours and it must have meaning to be worthwhile.
  • Views challenge as an opportunity test how good they really are. Challenge is a test of character. They understand under pressure is when their true skill levels rise to the occasion.
  • Enjoys predictability . They appreciate and understand predictability in the small things in life. They can control their attitude, how they interface with people, what actions they take in the present moment of now, how they brush their teeth, the clothes they wear, etc. etc. They truly appreciate what they can control vs. obsess over what they cannot. They understand and accept that resilience comes from understanding that life is mostly out of balance... Imbalance is the predictable part of life.
  • Is incredibly optimistic . Optimism is their first response. It’s their nature to see and look for the bright side even under the worse conditions
  • These 5 characteristics must become a part of your everyday thoughts and everyday actions in order to “upgrade” your performance to that of a psychologically hardy professional. Be 100% determined to make these characteristics a habit. Here’s how:

  • Review the definition two times a day. Upon waking and just before falling asleep. (1minute)
  • Throughout the day find opportunities to implement these characteristics
  • Below is a formula to support your effort.

    E + R = O

    E = Event ~ a life event that has occurred

    R= Reaction ~ your reaction to the event

    O = Outcome ~ based on your reaction


    We cannot control many of the events that occur in our normal day. They just happen. The only thing we can control on a consistent basis is the “R” ~ our reaction.

    Anticipating Events Can Even Out the Rollercoaster Ride
    By being conscious of this formula, you practice creating different “E” (events) in your life. Think through the positive and negative events that could happen in your life. Make a list for both.

  • How will the event unfold?
  • What are my options?
  • Write answers to each options and practice them in the theatre of your mind
  • This mental preparation will help you create better outcomes in your personal, family and business life
  • Find the time to anticipate your future and don’t be afraid to take control of the things you can control in your life. Once you start to practice anticipating and preparing yourself for what could come, your life events become much less of a roller coaster with steep inclines and declines and more even with less twists and turns.

    Managing Your Reactions to Manifest the Best Outcome
    Most of the time we cannot anticipate every “E” in our life. Our reaction becomes a critical piece to the puzzle of daily success

    7 ways to Manage Your Reaction to Manifest the Best Outcome

  • Accept that the current “E” (event) just happened for a reason. Accept that the “E” happened to create the platform to build the correct reaction
  • Keep your emotions in check. Maintain objectivity. See the “E” from a clinical perspective. See it for what it is not the havoc it has caused internally or externally
  • Don’t resist it. Just become an observer
  • Own the responsibility of your reaction. Believe in yourself and your many talents to react in the highest most productive manner possible
  • Create a little space from the “E” and give yourself the opportunity to have the time to make the correct decision. This is key. Even if you just give yourself time to breathe and think before you react you are on the right track.
  • The ability to separate from the
  • The bottom line is control what you can control which is your reaction, your thoughts, your attitudes. Take responsibility for what you can control and sit back and watch the good things that come your way for adapting a more positive and psychologically hardy attitude.