Energizing: Understanding What You Need and Why

As a leader in today’s complex world, the demands are plentiful. The hours are long. The days and nights run together. The competitive landscape and fast-pace of change require unrelenting focus.

With global workforces and round-the-clock production environments, availability 24/7 is the name of the game. Add personal responsibilities and you have a recipe for running on empty or burning-out if you are not pro-active with energizing tactics. How can you be proactive?

Energizing Begins with Identifying Your Needs

Pro-activity begins with knowing what you need and why to maintain your energy reserves day in and day out. To that end, a good use of time is an energy assessment.

The assessment begins by identifying your needs in each of the four sources of being energized. According to Dr Edy Greenblatt, those four sources include physical (body), cognitive (mind), psychological (emotional) and social (spiritual). Your list does not need to be exhaustive, but it should include at least 2 – 4 needs in each of the four sources.

For example, your “energizing” list may look like this:

  • Physical: sleeping, drinking water, eating healthy food, exercising
  • Cognitive: practicing meditation, reading
  • Psychological: being appreciated, spending time in nature,
    puttering around the house
  • Social: having alone time, engaging with others, attending a concert / theater event
  • Energizing Comes About By Getting Specific

    Once the list is complete, create a table with four rows:

  • What is my need?
  • What can’t I be when I don’t get enough of that need?
  • What is enough of that need?
  • How long does enough last for?
  • Answer each of those questions for your needs. This assessment is meant to be a quick check-in, not a laborious effort. It is also intended to be realistic versus optimal. What is the minimum required to keep your energy tanks recharged? Your batteries don’t have to be fully charged (aka optimal or recommended). They simply have to be charged according to your answers to questions 4 and 5.

    An illustration might be helpful.

  • Need = water
  • Without it, we are not hydrated. Our body fluids are not properly balanced. Our muscles can become fatigued, and our skin is dry.
  • Minimum of three 8-ounce glasses. In addition, an emphasis is put on fruits and vegetables for their water content as well as any other sources of healthy fluid intake.
  • One day
  • Energizing Takes Hold By Acting on What You Need

    When this “energizing” assessment is complete, you will have information to prioritize activities and experience that restore your energy levels. Maybe you’ll add a 15-minute walk to your schedule each day, buy a ticket to the theater each quarter or read a book for 30 minutes before bed. Whatever you choose, the point is to be a leader who knows the importance of energy management for strength and resilience.