Mastering LinkedIn Prospecting: Strategic Approaches for Financial Advisors

Are you producing results with LinkedIn? Or do you wonder why you even have an account?

I’ve run into very few advisors who are seeing a straight line to ROI with their activities on LinkedIn.

Mando Sallavanti is clearly an exception!

Effective LinkedIn prospecting for financial advisors requires more than just creating a profile and posting content. It also requires a strategic approach to engaging with your target audience, building relationships, and converting prospects into clients.

In this episode, Referral Coach Bill Cates interviews Armando (Mando) Sallavanti III, CFP®, CLTC®, SaaS’s Financial Planner. Mando shares his journey to success as a financial advisor using LinkedIn. Mando emphasizes the power of authenticity and active engagement on the platform, making 70 comments per day to attract potential clients. (Say what?) And he focuses on creating conversations and building relationships by engaging with influencers in his target market.

Bill and Mando discuss:

  • His experience of pursuing his natural market, hiring a marketing agency, and using automation on LinkedIn, which didn’t yield results.
  • His decision to shift how he approaches LinkedIn prospecting for financial advisors, and how he discovered his target market in the tech sector.
  • The importance of using real-life scenarios and examples in content to make it relatable and resonate with the intended target audience.
  • The strategy of making a high number of comments on LinkedIn as a prospecting method to generate opportunities.
  • How LinkedIn’s algorithm rewards commenting activity and the importance of striking up conversations with others on the platform.
  • Tips on identifying influencers within his target market.

Related: Stop Making Meaningless Client Calls