The Benefits of Connecting With Local Business Owners

Strengthen your capabilities folder, connect with local business owners, and provide new clients with more value: you can do all of these things with one small activity.

When you’re bringing on new clients, you give them your capabilities folder. (Remember this outlines a bit about you, how you operate, something about your staff and team.) You provide them with this, and in that folder you also want to include some vouchers or gift certificates from local businesses. Be it a cafe, a health food store, or a gym, or a bookstore, meet the owners and get some coupons from them to insert in that folder.Then when you meet with your new client, you can give them the capabilities folder as well as outline some of the local businesses that you are working with and have your clients patronize them.So, 1. Meet these business owners and get some coupons from them.You’re going to have the opportunity to meet some great entrepreneurs in your area who might be great clients for you. 2. Put the coupons in your folderand highlight that to your new clients when they finish off that first meeting with you. 3. Have them mention where they got the coupons when they go in and patronize these stores.Let them tell the owners, “Hey, I got this from XYZ Financial Firm, and we wanted to try you out and see what you’re like.”It’s a great idea to get involved in the community and appeal even more effectively to your new clients.