You Probably Don't Have Any Goals, Do You?

All the successful people I have met have one very important thing in common.

They have goals and they use those goals to drive their actions and behaviors. Now all of you are thinking, well I have goals. My response to most you would be – no you don’t. You have desires, wishes, hopes and intentions. You lump those together to create a fair amount of clutter bouncing around in the 7 inches between your ears. If you had clear, specific and realistic goals and worked at them intelligently, consistently and relentlessly, you would be more successful.

Related: Where Does Wisdom Come From?

I read an article recently while flying to somewhere from somewhere else which explained why most of our goals go unachieved. There were four main reasons – procrastination and lack of action; lack of confidence and belief; lack of clarity or focus or a clear vision; and finally, fear. Do any of these reasons strike a personal note with you? If so then you need to stop what you’re doing, right now and get started on a new path.