The Elephant and the Unicorn

"So how do we craft an amazing hybrid #employeeexperience?"

Many of my client engagements begin here. They wanna talk unicorns. I wanna talk elephants. As in - they're seeking the ethereal silver bullet. But I want them to take one bite at a time.

If your teams are sluggish. Showing signs of #burnout or #disengagement.

If you believe they could be innovating more, collaborating more, or even just smiling more, start by asking them these 4 critical questions.

  • What is one thing I can do to help you DELIVER more effectively - like actually do the job you were hired to do?
  • What is one thing I can do to help you DEVELOP more - like build skill, capability, and confidence?
  • What is one thing I can do to help you CONNECT more - like feel a sense of belonging, to feel part of this team, to feel empowered to collaborate?
  • What is one thing I can do to help you THRIVE - to feel well and balanced and recognized for your contributions?

Ask. Listen. Implement the smallest, simplest thing you can. Label it as your commitment to their EX. See how it goes. Tweak as needed. Repeat.

Can you simplify one process?

Match 2 peer mentors together?

Design a meaningful activity next time everyone's in the office?

Start recognizing people for the simple things - like asking a bold question? Or trying something new?

Unicorns are beautiful. But for me, the elephant wins. Every time.

Related: How To Solve Big Problems