11 Most Read Advisorpedia Articles of the Week (October 10-14)

Here’s a look at the Top 11 Most Viewed Articles of the Week on Advisorpedia , October 10-14, 2016. Click the headline to read the full article. Enjoy!

1. Making Lemonade from Lemons: The DOL Opportunity

It is estimated that the financial advice industry derives almost 45% of their revenue from commissions as of 2015. As a result, many advisors and their broker dealers have been thrown off balance by the new policy. — Joseph Hosler

2. Market Volatility: The Perfect Answer For "It's Time Do to Something"

Here’s the thing: in today’s volatile environment, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy. There’s too much news. Too much information. Too much input to make smart, sensible decisions. — Bill Acheson

3. What Is the Election Going to Do to My Investments?

It really doesn’t matter whether the blank is filled in with Clinton or Trump; many people think one or the other will mark the death knell of the economy. — Rick Kahler

4. ETFs and Mutual Funds—It's Not an Either/or Decision

When the first exchange-traded fund (ETF) launched in 1993, it was anything but clear that these funds would take off, and at first they didn’t. — Adam Patti

5. The 12 Habits of the Truly Successful

Most people define success by the dollar amount in their bank account. And while money provides a certain amount of security and peace of mind, we often confuse that feeling of safety for success. — Amita Patel

6. 10 Benefits of Starting Your Own Financial Advisor Podcast

For many years now media publicity was the pie-in-the-sky for advisors aspiring to “influencer” status. The goal was to attract attention and ultimately fill their prospect pipeline. — Kirk Lowe

7. Offense or Defense? Defining Your Stance With Tactical Tilt

Advisor Tip: Knowing when to take the Offense or Defense in Various Market Conditions is Easier to Define with Tactical Tilt. — Nasdaq Global Indexes

8. Don’t Let Emotions Hinder Your Investing Goals and Progress

People will try to sell you on the fallacy that there are shortcuts, whether it’s a “get ripped in seven days” workout plan or a “learn to flip houses in two weeks and triple your money with no risk” real estate pitch or some other “get rich quick” scheme. — B rad Sherman

9. “Lean In?” How About Simply “Don’t Lay Down”

To combat gender inequality in the workplace, women don’t need to domore; we simply need to continue to do every day. Do not lay down. — Larissa Marcontell Sonnen

10. How to Discover Your "Real Mission" as an Advisor

Every financial advisor I speak to wants to help people, they see this as their true calling and what makes them unique; but the real question, the source to unlimited success is understanding WHO you really want to help and WHY? — Adri Miller-Heckman

11. 7 Hidden Opportunities to Increase Your Company’s Value

In our experience, seven hidden opportunities surface with particular frequency. Address them and your firm will gain a tangible advantage as you compete for new business and the best employees. — Lee Frederiksen