Adopting a Mindset of Financial Abundance

Today’s guest is Adele Jackson Gibson.

Adele is s a sports journalist, fitness coach, fitness model, and an athlete. She is an athlete that tells other athletes’ stories, but today she is sharing her own money memoir with us.Adele came from a family that was financially solid. She didn’t grow up having to worry about finances and was even blessed to graduate from college with no student loans. However, that doesn’t mean that there haven’t been financial hiccups and mistakes made as she transitioned into #adulting and handling her own finances.Today Adele will share more about her largest financial mistake. It was a simple oversight that had large consequences. She’s open with us about the impact that it made on her, as well as how changing her self-talk and money mindset is helping her overcome it.Related: Work Hard, Save Harder: Could You Save 60 Percent of Everything You Make?

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • The importance of financial literacy when it comes to employment.
  • How having an employee mindset can hurt an entrepreneur.
  • The importance of your mindset and self-talk when it comes to your finances.
  • How money is similar to your cardiovascular system.