The Biggest Reasons to Start Legacy Planning

In life, there are no guarantees. Accidents will happen. Wouldn’t you feel better knowing you’ve made a plan to protect your family and estate?

In today’s episode, Gary Alden shares enlightening stories of how and why legacy planning is an important process for everyoneto have completed. And not only completed, but also revisited to ensure your estate is distributed as intended.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How many Americans have a will and what actions to take if you don’t have one
  • Why it’s crucial that you document your wishes, rather than only expressing them verbally to your family
  • What you need to know about tax implications on your will/distributions in the event that you move states
  • And more!
  • Tune in now and discover the biggest reasons to start legacy planning.
Related: Will vs. TOD: Which One Gets The Final Say?