The Harsh Reality About Communication Styles

“We treat you like you’d treat you”. This commercial gained tremendous popularity for one reason: for effective service you need your communication styles to match each client’s unique style.

I like transactions that are easy, effortless, and fun. Save me some time and the aggravation of not having to wait in a long voicemail “queue” and I will reward your firm by sharing my positive experience at every opportunity.

But how would a customer service employee know that about me if they haven’t had frequent interactions with me? And furthermore, what difference does it make?

The hard-edged, measurable results are that you will get more business. According to Gallup research , 23% more business to be exact, from me and from my referrals.

A few weeks ago, I needed to call customer service at a major financial services firm. Like many of you, I was dreading having to even make the call. Why? Long automated menu selection, not even having the option that I need to select, then having to figure out how to get a “live” person, and then going into another “queue” that informs me I am calling at a high volume time and my anticipated wait time is five plus minutes.


Then, after the wait, I finally talk to a service person, only to get the wrong information. I had to call back two more times (and yes, go through the queue again) before I received the correct procedure.

I certainly shared my experience on the satisfaction survey I received the next day. I guess it is no surprise that no one has acknowledged the poor service or tried to assure me that they want me to have a better experience next time.

How many calls come into the typical customer service center on a daily basis? 1,000 plus! The way I see it, a firm gets 1,000 plus opportunities to build and strengthen client relationships.

If you are relying only on customer surveys to gain intelligence on how to create a unique customer experience rather than learning how to customize communication styles , you will be left behind by the competition.

To provide unique customer experiences from the very beginning, you need the right behavioral information at your fingertips. So bring the solution to your firm so you can say with confidence: we treat you like you’d treat you.