Commit to All Aspects of Your Life

Non-resilient: Once I have the job I want I will focus on my family and friends.Resilient: The success of one area of my life depends on the success on all areas of my life.

The success of each part of our lives depends on the success of all the other parts.

Related: 11 Crucial Aspects to Cultivate a Growth MindsetIf our family life is in turmoil it will affect our work life and vice versa. If we do not exercise it will affect our stamina – as well as our mindset. We can set smart, achievable goals for all aspects of our livesso that all parts are working with - and for - each other.For instance, we can make a commitment to exercise throughout the week; we can ensure that we make time for our family and friends; we can make a little progress each day toward one of our goals.If you experience a setback toward your goals, set a new path toward that goal. The most important part is the commitment.