5 Things We Can Learn from Brexit When Job Hunting

Written by: Bubble Jobs UK

Whether you voted to stay or leave, or not at all, there are a few things we can take away from Britain leaving the European Union. Not just in a political sense but for the benefit of your own personal job search.

Don’t make unrealistic claims

Avoid a Nigel Farage situation… making promises you cannot keep when it comes to crunch time!

When updating your CV to match the job role you are applying for, avoid adding skills or qualifications you do not have but have placed there to try and get the job. If you get through to the interview stage or receive a job offer the employer will ask for proof of your education achievements. If you do embellish the skills section on your CV, when in reality you cannot do these things. It may result in an awkward conversation with your new boss, trying to explain you have no idea how to do the things they are asking of you! This also applies when stating your job history, be truthful and only state jobs you have had. Remember – your future boss will ask for references.

Don’t burn bridges

Michael Gove choosing to run for the Conservative party leadership – burnt his bridges with Boris Johnson claiming he was not capable of uniting the party or country. When ultimately Theresa May landed the job.

Maintain a good relationship with previous employers, keep it professional. If you are about to resign from your current job don’t leave on bad terms, maintain good relationships with co-workers and managers. When handing in your notice, pick the right moment to deliver it to your boss and I would recommend personally telling your colleagues. If you feel you are in a position where there is no advancement or future, express to your boss these feelings. They are more likely to appreciate your honesty rather than suddenly switching jobs with a weak explanation.

Knowledge is key

Surprisingly the most Googled term post Brexit was ‘What Is The EU?’

It is essential you do your research before an interview. Read up on the company, their values and understand the industry as a whole. Most of the information you need will generally be found on the company website. Knowing this information will help you in the interview, when asked the question, ‘why do you want to work for our company?’ You will be able to provide an answer that proves you have done your research. Gaining knowledge about a potential workplace also will give you an understanding of whether you want to work there and if you agree with their company culture.


Be proactive

After the election it was reported that 36% of young people aged 18-24 voted. If you want your voice heard make sure you vote.

Instead of dreaming of a new job, proactively seek a new position! It’s hard to change something if you don’t take action. Spend your evenings and weekends searching for new jobs, signing up to recruitment agencies and updating your CV. Study job descriptions and make sure your CV is suited to what the potential employer is asking. Remember don’t be disheartened if the results are not what you wanted and learn from the experience.

Long term or short term benefits

Only time will tell how Brexit will affect the economy but for now the process of leaving the EU will take two years.

When choosing a new job, take a look at how it will benefit your career in the long run. Will the position provide you with new skills and advancement? Or will a short term position be your stepping stone to something bigger? You need to decide whether this is just a job or a career. Sometimes when job searching it’s a good thing to take risks, apply for positions with more responsibility than your current job. If you are not qualified enough, accept the rejection but you never know if you don’t try.