Create Legacies That Give Meaning to Your Life

Click below the image to listen to this Robb Lucy podcast.

Want to create legacies that give meaning to your life? Well, think differently.

Think ‘Generativity’.

Generativity is a mindset, and a process. It’s a mindset that is concerned, and excited, about the future…. and your ability to benefit future generations. It’s a process to arrive at legacies that will enhance lives now, and in the future.

Just follow the few steps to ‘Generativity’ that John Kotre outlines here… and you’ll find yourself thinking differently.

“I loved this interview with John Kotre” said Robb Lucy . “It affirms that everything we do can affect our lives, and the lives of those that follow. If the world thought and acted in a ‘generative way’, it would be a very different place. So… let’s start!”