How Much Does Disorganization Cost You at Work?

Written by: Pierrette Ashcroft | Smart Productivity Solutions

I’m sure most of you realize that disorganization has a cost. Have you quantitated what it means for you, both financially and emotionally?

Financial Costs

  • Lost revenue as a consequence of lack of follow through or things falling through the cracks.
  • Tax deductions that are not taken.
  • Reimbursable expenses that are never turned in.
  • Auto renewals that are billed to your credit card because you didn’t cancel after the free trial period.
  • Rebates that are not redeemed when you miss the deadline or can’t find the receipt or forms.
  • Duplicate purchases as a result of not being able to find what you already have or forgetting what you own.
  • Late fees on bills that aren’t paid on time.
  • Extra shipping charges incurred on supplies ordered at the last minute that have to be shipped express.
  • Purchases that aren’t returned when forgotten in a bag or the receipt is misplaced.
  • Gift cards not redeemed. Between 6-10% of gift cards are never used.
  • Psychological Toll

  • Stress from feeling unprepared or always running late
  • Embarrassment that a disorganized workspace appears unprofessional
  • Confidence is hard to maintain when you feel overwhelmed
  • Frustration when you can’t find things
  • Reduced Effectiveness and Efficiency as a result of mental clutter
  • Exhaustion or Burnout from working long hours but not accomplishing what want
  • Having an organized office does not have a correlation to how smart you are. The real problem is that many never learned the skills necessary to lead an organized life. It’s not to late. For those with some basic skills who just need a boost in a couple areas, a self-help book or workshop might set you on the right track. This can work for those who just need help creating the plan. Once that’s in place they can implement it on their own. If you feel there is no hope, you may benefit from working with a productivity coach to jump start your advancement. They can help you clear the clutter, set up systems and teach you how to maintain them. It’s a great investment in your future success.