How to Use Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps

What comes to mind when you think of having financial peace ? Perhaps you envision paying off your debt, boosting your savings, or not having to worry about the future.Royal Standley helps clients achieve all of the above. Today, Royal shares the simple process he uses with clients, called Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps, which focuses on changing money-related behaviors through a proven step-by-step plan.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What’s involved in each of the seven Baby Steps
  • How to use the snowball method to become debt-free
  • What to consider when deciding how much money to set aside in your emergency savings
  • Why Royal never wants to see a client put four years worth of college savings in an account that is tied to education, like an ESA or a 529 plan
  • And more!
  • Tune in now to learn how you can start using the baby steps today!

    Resources: Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors, Inc. | Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps